用7个projects解决本科与研究生阶段的难题?插画、平面为主要对象衔接多媒体艺术和声音艺术的跨学科学习?UAL、RCA真实课程体验?贴心的studio课程设置结合workshop、lecture、tutorial、critique多种教学模式下,获得1次真实的海外课堂体验!给你1次综合提高的机会!这样的海外课程浸没式体验,只在这个5月!只在自然光线!和来自RCA、UAL双校的Jonny老师一起!自然光线 5周年特别企划,Jonny老师的STUDIO。
作为本次自然光线 5周年特别企划的项目课程,本次studio课程,邀请到了来自英国校区的Jonny老师作为主授课导师。
Jonny老师是一位独立设计师,目前就读于RCA/皇家艺术学院Visual Communication专业。本科毕业于CSM/中央圣马丁学院BA Graphic Design,2015年获得一等荣誉学士学位和两个设计奖项。擅长平面设计和插画的他,同时也深知如何将更多的艺术形式融合在创作中,而他本人,更是将声音艺术、多媒体艺术,完全的融汇在艺术表达里!
本次课程不仅是自然光线 5周年特别企划的项目,同时也是自然光线全新升级产品4.0后的一次课程!联动海外艺术院校,给学生们一次更有学习意义的教学体验。
Project 1
Fast Thinking/Idea
This famous Central St.Martins creative exercise asks students to produce super fast solutions to lots of very different creative problems.By responding to lots of very different imaginary assignments in a short space of time,they must think decisively and using their first instincts.
This skill is highly valuable to the creative process,and the large amount of ideas produced in the workshop can be later transformed into larger projects.
Students will need paper/sketchbook,and a variety of pens/pencils/colour.
Project 2
This workshop explores the way art can express music,the way music can express art,and the exciting conversation between of the two.It briefly looks at the history of art and music working together,and some amazing examples of their unity.
It then invites them to respond visually to a variety of different sounds and musical ideas.It aims to develop in students their own sense of how they can translate sound and music into image and culture,and to inspire them to explore this exciting world further.
Students will need paper/sketchbook,a variety of pens/pencils/colour.
Project 3
Logo Design
The logo is one of the greatest challenges in graphic design,calling for huge communication in an extremely simple design.It briefly explores the history and theory of logo design,and what goes into creating an effective,memorable logo.
It then challenges students to create logos using the creative processes of a professional graphic designer.
Students will need paper/sketchbook and a variety of pens/pencils/colour.
Project 4
Experimental Drawing
Constructed from various famous British art school drawing exercises,this workshop aims to deconstruct what most students understand as‘drawing’.
It challenges them to use marks to describe things far beyond the ordinary visual world,and explore the limits of what drawing can communicate.It aims to provide a new vocabulary of visual expression,open up a world of creative possibilities,and provide a bold and exciting set of artworks for portfolio.
Students will need paper/sketchbook,a variety of pens/pencils/colour.
Project 5
Character Design
Creating interesting characters with depth and personality lies at the heart of all good illustration.The workshop explores how illustrators can draw inspiration from many different places to develop relatable characters with a life of their own.
It breaks down the process of character design to research,sketching,development,composition and situation.Using this method students are guided in a way that retains their own style of illustration,but ensures they are challenged and innovating.
Students will need paper/sketchbook,a variety of pens/pencils/paints/colour.
Project 6
Personal Mapping
Maps have been used throughout human history as a tool for understanding the incredible complexity of the world.Today we are used to seeing maps which describe physical space on a large scale,but there have always been many other forms of map.
This workshop explores a variety of other‘maps’and explores the many different realities and experiences they can describe.It encourages students to produce their own maps,which describe their own lived experience.
It allows them producing work which is innovative and personal,and provide them with a new set of creative tools and ideas.
Students will need paper/sketchbook,a variety of pens/pencils/colour.
Project 7
Branding brings life into companies and products,giving them a personality of their own that can be recognised across the globe.To create a brand,designers must carefully understand the existing character of the client.They must then finalise this character and express it across a wide variety of media,keeping it consistent throughout.
This workshop invites students to explore this exciting,powerful process.As would happen in a professional agency,they work in groups to produce their own brands using the Stanford design process and close instruction.
Students will need paper/sketchbook,a variety of pens/pencils/colour.